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I am passionate about crossfit since two years ago, to be honest, I literally fell in love with it!
I love my Crossfit Box and I train with my friends several times a week.
The chaos and the traffic of the city make me loose a lot of time and it’s often difficult to reconcile work and other commitments with gym.
I was immediately interested when I saw MRS24 at Rimini Wellness in 2016, but I was skeptical about the potential of a folding structure.
Well, when I tried it I have immediately changed my opinion.
I completely unpacked and assembled it in half an hour, and once I tried it, I realized that the structure is rigid and it allows me to perform all the WODs.
Since I bought MRS24 I was immediately able to train at home in the same way I did at the gym, performing the same WOD with the same standards.
And what about the floor space? I have installed MRS24 at home and where before there was shoe rack now there’s the new MAING equipment which allows me to train easily at every time!
A revolution for my lifestyle and for the planning of my days.
Rock on!!
